Šifra: 14-528614

Hama Fine Art Bookbound 24x17 36 white Pages purple 2749

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  • Dostupno na skladištu dobavljača

  • Vrijeme isporuke:
    Unutar 3-14 radnih dana.

  • Cijena dostave za ovaj artikl iznosi 5,00 €.
    Za kupnje iznad 260 € dostava je besplatna.

Hama Fine Art book album 24 x 17 cm 36 white pages, lavender

  • remaining impression: the cover made of structure paper with elegant imprint is haptic and optically attractive
  • classical book style: gives an elegant and timeless touch
  • The high-quality foam lining of the cover gives the album stability, looks stylish and convinces with a soft, pleasant feel
  • The inside pages are separated by transparent-white glassine protection pages: this allows a look to the following page and protects your photos and creative decorated pages


  • Number of pages: 36
  • Album type: book album with glassine protection pages
  • Binding: textured paper
  • Max. number of photos: 72
  • Album size: 24 x 17 cm
  • Picture size: 10 x 15 cm
  • Storage type: Glue-in
  • Theme: neutral
  • Design/motive: Fine Art
  • Colour: lavender

Trebate dodatne informacije o ovom artiklu?

Pošaljite nam upit
tip albuma
Tip: album knjige
tema: Neutral
Format albuma (cm): 24 x 17

broj stranica: 36
boja stranice: bijela
tekstualni naslov: ne
Označena polja / trake: ne
Zaštitne stranice od stakla: da

broj fotografija pri veličini slike
10 x 15: 72

boja: lila
Poklopac: Papir
Količina: 1

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